A Spanish saying meaning:
"Pure Life". The basis of what our 1000 Hour
Retreat Style | Workshop | and Online Yoga Therapy Program aims to create.

Many people believe that 'yoga' means to stretch. In part that is true, but it is applicable on far more areas than merely the muscles contained within our physical body.
The literal translation of Yoga in it's native language of Sanskrit is to 'yuj' which means to yoke. Therefore, yoga means to connect; and 'therapy' is to apply techniques to enhance ease in any area of life.
The Therapy of Yoga is to apply ancient and traiditional techniques to enhance ease and healing in all areas of our existance, being: Our physical body, emotional, conginitive, energetic, intellectual and spiritual.
Yoga Therapy is a fast growing industry used to heal many conditions from addictions to physical ailments to depression.
The Pura Vida Yoga Therapy Program teaches the adaptation, expansion and application of traditional yoga practices used to promote wholistic well-being.
Our program was created in 2014, and incorporates practices from Yoga, Ayurveda, Emotional Healing, Cognitive Repatterining, Modern Movement, Optimial Nutrition, Bio Mechanics and Natural Health.

The Pura Vida Yoga Therapy Program hosts retreat hours at beautiful locations that support PURA VIDA (pure life). Whenever possible, you will connect to the nature around you.
Imagine learning beach side in Costa Rica, enjoying fresh papaya or pineapple and organic local coffee each morning? Or how about connecting to the Canadian Forest with daily practices on the magical land of Newfoundland Canada?
Enjoy the convenience of our workshops at our affiliate studios and health centers! And enjoy the ease of your online hourse from where ever you choose to work from!
Our Faculty consists of a team of educated, experienced and passionate facilitators with backgrounds in yoga, pilates, physiotherapy, chiropractic medicine, western medicine, psychology and natural medicine.
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