Our Story
What We Do
Our Services
Our Mission
Pura Vida Yoga Therapy has been an evolution within itself. It was founded in 2014 by a collective group of individuals who believe in alignment, connection and wholistic well being. We started our journey in Kelowna Canada and Costa Rica.
We learn. We inspire. We keep each other inspired to continue learning and teaching. We believe in integrity, honesty, and all modalities of healing. We love our project, we love our team, and we love the spaces we host our modules at.
We provide a well-rounded, wholistic approach to yoga therapy. We offer retreat style learning, and online modules for your location and financial ease and experience enhancement.
Our Faculty has decades of experience in the health and wellness industry, including both extensive experience and secondary education in psychology, emotional healing, eastern philosophy, yoga, pilates, anatomy and natural health. We are passionate about sharing our combined knowledge to promote healing and wellness - one yoga therapy session at a time. We believe in optimum health, anchored practices and community.
Our curriculum is anchored in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, providing a solid foundation for our program, with roots running deep into all 6 areas of Multi Style Health. We integrate healing modalities from both western and eastern medicine, anatomy and psychology, that will provide therapists to implement and design effective one-on-one yoga therapy sessions and group classes.
Effective. Our training offers you effective observation and communication skills, which are not only learned, but embodied. You will be a powerful professional yoga therapist, with the ability to guide yourself and your clients effectively through healing and the maintenance of well being, using our anchored curriculum as a solid foundation.
You will be lovingly guided through the integrity and wisdom of our faculty. You will receive advice and insights as you cultivate your own personal practice of yoga and meditation, while receiving support through your experience. All questions and experiences are welcome.
Subsequent to the latter part of your training, you will have the opportunity to offer group yoga classes and individual yoga therapy sessions with our Affiliate Studios and mentors. This is where you get to put your tools into action!Integrity. Upon successful completion of your 1000 hours, you will be an accredited Certified Professional Yoga Therapist by Pura Vida Yoga Therapy, an accredited 500 Hour Yoga Instructor by of affiliate school: Multi Style Yoga International, a recognised international yoga school with The International Yoga Alliance.